Vote For “Defending People” Already

Mark Bennett’s blog, Defending People, has collapsed under the weight of interested readers, leaving him dangling in the wind for most of the day.  In the meantime, the voting for Defending People in the ABA Blawg 100 has been pathetic.  Anemic.  Slow. Totally unacceptable.  I realize all this voting may seem silling, but it will take only a few second of your time and will make me, and maybe even Bennett, the Texas Tornado, happy.  Is that too much to ask?

Here’s the link

Take a second and go vote for Defending People.  Do it now.  All the other posts will still be here when you get back.  GO!

8 thoughts on “Vote For “Defending People” Already

  1. Turk


    Deliberate. Greenfield, for some odd reason, thinks I have a sense of humor. I wish my wife and kids felt the same way.

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