Brooklyn Lawyer Marina Tylo Deserves a Good Spanking

From the annals of the truly stupid comes this latest attempt to shut down a blawger.  Andrew Lavoott Bluestone at New York Attorney malpractice Blog posts about legal malpractice cases.  Andy’s approach is quite straight forward, providing salient facts without much by way of commentary.  Certainly nothing as snarky as here.

And what does he get for his efforts?  Sued! 

Last September, Andy posted about a malpractice case, Khlevner v. Tylo, in which the attorney, Marina Tylo, served a summons before purchasing the index number, which renders it defective.  So Tylo ends up the defendant in a legal malpractice suit.  The case was ultimately dismissed, not because Tylo didn’t screw up but because there was opportunity to undo the damage, thus leaving the plaintiff client without the necessary causation.

But Brooklyn lawyer Tylo apparently doesn’t like the fact that her name showed up in Andy’s blawg, letting anyone with access to Google know that she’s slightly less than perfect.  So the  case  in which plaintiff’s attorney served a summons before buying the index number. Khlevner v. Tylo, 10733/07 

I kid you not.  This is the entirety of her claimed defamation.

Now it’s one thing to get a passing mention in an attorney malpractice blawg for having screwed up on the purchase of an index number, but it’s another entirely to think she’s going to scare off another lawyer with lunacy like this.  If Tylo was worried before about her reputation, she should have given that some far deeper thought before pulling such a ridiculous, bone-headed move like this. 

For those non-lawyer bloggers who harbor fears that someone is going to go after them no matter how frivolous the claim, and thus put them to the expense and aggravation of having to defend some piece of utter idiocy like Tylo’s, the good news is that Tylo has left her flank wide open for a good spanking on the counterclaim for this, and Andrew Lavoott Bluestone is just the lawyer to give it to her.

While our legal system allows any moron with a word processor and the price of an index number (or maybe not, if you happen to be like Tylo) to start a lawsuit, that doesn’t mean that they’re going to have their way. 

And if the rest of the blawgosphere feels similarly, then let’s make sure that those inclined to try to use the courts to shut blawgers down and keep lawyers’ screw-up as their dirty little secret, learn that such vapid efforts to undermine speech in the blawgosphere is going to backfire on them.  Perhaps Tylo will regret her decision to try to silence Bluestone as her misbegotten effort spreads across the internet.

16 thoughts on “Brooklyn Lawyer Marina Tylo Deserves a Good Spanking

  1. Oscar Michelen

    Incredible. I know Andy Bluestone and have litigated several major matters with him. Lawyers are quick to sue anyone who makes a mistake yet cringe at the idea of suing a lawyer when they make a fatal error in a client’s case. We have to face the fact that is a adouble standard. Ms. Tylo was fortunate that the client had a remedy and it sounds like the lawyer that sued her might have jumped the gun. But besides all thatto sue for that comment is frivolous and I hope Andy gets sanctions against her. By the way, Scott, I will donate my services to you when she sues you for your comments.

  2. SHG

    I can only hope.  For us, this is laughable, but for the non-lawyers, this is a serious threat, no matter how frivolous.  They have a very real fear that the cost of defending, no matter how frivolous, will put them out of action.  That’s why this sort of crap can’t be allowed to happen unnoticed.

  3. Indypunditway

    Thanks for your concern about us non-lawyers. I’ve seen a couple of civil lawsuits up close, and despite settling before depositions, each one was more expensive than my new car.

  4. Mike

    Agreed. I have no fear of being sued – especially for what I blog about. I know the score. Years ago, though, I would have been terrified.

    Incidentally, I purchased a defamation insurance as rider to my renter’s insurance. It’s only $25 a year or something. It’s definitely something every blogger should at least look into.

  5. Crime

    Marina Tylo Meets Barbara Streisand (Sort Of)

    Pop quiz: What happens when you file a frivolous lawsuit against a New York law blogger? Marina Tylo is about to learn. Ms. Tylo, as I noted in a post yesterday, filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against a New York law blogger. This wasn’t a very good idea, since filing a frivolous lawsuit against a law blogger is not the

  6. Crime

    Marina Tylo Meets Barbara Streisand (Sort Of)

    Pop quiz: What happens when you file a frivolous lawsuit against a New York law blogger? Marina Tylo is about to learn. Ms. Tylo, as I noted in a post yesterday, filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against a New York law blogger. This wasn’t a very good idea, since filing a frivolous lawsuit against a law blogger is not the

  7. Crime

    Marina Tylo Meets Barbara Streisand (Sort Of)

    Pop quiz: What happens when you file a frivolous lawsuit against a New York law blogger? Marina Tylo is about to learn. Ms. Tylo, as first noted by Scott Greenfield yesterday, filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against a New York law blogger. This wasn’t a very good idea, since filing a frivolous lawsuit against a law blogger is not the

  8. Crime

    Marina Tylo Meets Barbara Streisand (Sort Of)

    Pop quiz: What happens when you file a frivolous lawsuit against a New York law blogger? Marina Tylo is about to learn. Ms. Tylo, as first noted by Scott Greenfield yesterday, filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against a New York law blogger. This wasn’t a very good idea, since filing a frivolous lawsuit against a law blogger is not the

  9. Crime

    Marina Tylo Meets Barbara Streisand (Sort Of)

    Pop quiz: What happens when you file a frivolous lawsuit against a New York law blogger? Marina Tylo is about to learn. Ms. Tylo, as first reported by Scott Greenfield yesterday, filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against a New York law blogger. This wasn’t a very good idea, since filing a frivolous lawsuit against a law blogger is not the

  10. Crime

    Marina Tylo Meets Barbara Streisand

    Pop quiz: What happens when you file a frivolous lawsuit against a New York law blogger? Marina Tylo is about to learn. Ms. Tylo, as first reported by Scott Greenfield yesterday, filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against a New York law blogger. This wasn’t a very good idea, since filing a frivolous lawsuit against a law blogger is not the

  11. Rich

    If Ms. Tylo’s Summons With Notice is an indication of her skills, Mr. Bluestone is going to have a field day.
    I checked the Kings County Clerk’s website and note that the Kings County Clerk lists the initiating document as a Summons with Notice and Complaint.

  12. Marina Tylo Esq

    I had a misfortune of reading your blog about me. I wish I would be an anorexic chain smoking middle age broad on cheap wine.

    I am plump; I do have a cig here and there, I do have a glass of Chablis on Saturday.

    What the hell is your problem???

    What do you gain by besmirching my reputation? Have we ever crossed our path?

    I do happen to be one of the nice guys.
    Just let me know what the fluff is up.

    Please, reply. My potential clients are reading this and it does hurt my business.

    Just tell me what I did to piss you off this much.

  13. SHG

    What did you do? You sued Andy Bluestone for accurately posting about your malpractice case.  I would have thought that was clear from the post.

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