It occurred to me yesterday that the anonymous Ed. of Blawg Review fame pressed me into service in a moment of weakness to host Blawg Review #170. Uh oh. This places me in the difficult, if not untenable, position of coming up with something thoughtful and or witty.
There have been masterful Blawg Reviews from the past, with Anne Reed at Deliberations and Eric Turkewitz at New York Personal Injury Law standing out in my mind, as well as fellow criminal defense lawyers Jamie Spencer and Gideon. Colin Samuels is the epitome of a Blawg Reviewdom, having followed Dante’s trilogy of the Inferno, the Purgatorio and the Divine Comedy. As proof of Colin’s exceptionally good taste, Simple Justice wasn’t mentioned in any of his Reviews.
So now, I beg the aid of others. Certainly nothing I produce will compare favorably with the great Blawg Reviews that came before, but I’m desperately hopeful not to embarrass myself with the singularly most pathetic Blawg Review ever. Unlike the genius (not to mention far better read) Colin, I have absolutely no clue how I will approach this endeavor. The anonymous Ed. is nowhere to be found. Turk has offered some very useful advice, though it involves my getting arrested immediately so that I can live-blog my way through processing.
Please don’t let me crash and burn. Submit your favorite posts to Blawg Review or send me an email. And I’m sure that whatever theme I come up with at the last moment, I’ll come up with a better idea the next day. Thanks to all in advance for your help.
Update: This from Colin Samuels at Infamy or Praise :
Next week’s Blawg Review will be hosted by another rapidly-rising brand, Scott Greenfield’s Simple Justice blog. Greenfield’s commentary is consistently amongst the most intelligent and engaging in the legal blogosphere. I know that I’m not alone in my eager anticipation for next week’s edition of the carnival of legal blogging.
I am so dead.
Surely you don’t expect any regular reader to believe you are nervous about writing a blog post.
This post is just a scam to lower expectations. He probably wrote it months ago and is sitting on a jewel that people will talk about for years to come.
Personally, I’m expecting the single greatest Blawg Review in the history of Blawg Reviews.
Look who’s talking, the author of one of the best Blawg Reviews ever.
And then comes the author of one of the other greatest Blawg Reviews ever. Talk about scam, raising expectations just so you can laugh when I crash and burn. Cruel, Turk. Very cruel.
Scott, Please, please, please, aim low, and follow the example of Sheryl Sisk Shelin in her Blawg Review #121, and go themeless. Let me quote my favorite source (me). As I said at the time:
If you’ve read [f/k/a] or my mind over the past couple of years, you know I often find themed Blawg Reviews to be annoying, strained and distracting. . . . [M]y favorite Blawg Review compilations are themeless. So, I want to thank Sheryl for giving us an un-cutesy annotated listing of quite a few worthwhile weblog posts from the past week. Her lack of inspiration turned out to be a blessing.
No, no! Ignore that man in the booth, shrouded in smoke, mirrors and poetry. Be grand! Be expansive! Be inspired!
(But most of all, be good or we’re gonna flay you alive. And please, make is shorter than mine. For your own sake.)
Well, he said it’s a “carnival,” so I’d go with freaks and/or geeks.
this might be the longest Blawg Review EVER. In fact, I’ll put money on it.
My bet is he’ll write eight of them on the same day. All before 6:00 a.m. And all complaining that the rest of us don’t post often enough.
Would I do that?
This thing is gonna be legendary. I can just feel it.
So it’ll be just like any other day 🙂