Books Pointing in the Wrong Direction

At Military Underdog, that wayward wag Eric Mayer writes an occasional post he calls Azimuth Check.  Most of us wouldn’t know what to do with  an azimuth if it bit us in the butt, which is just Eric’s way of lording over us that he learned how to use a variety of contraptions on the government’s dime that the rest of us can’t.  Aren’t you special, Eric, rubbing our noses in your azimuth.

But in his April Fools edition, Eric provided a list of books he would like to see written:

Practicing Law Alone In Your Mom’s Unfinished Basement By Choice, by Carolyn Elefant.

Social Media For Lawyers (2nd Ed), by Nicole Black, with special forward by Brian Tannebaum.

Forget Clients: Pathways to GenY Self Entitlement, by Dan Hull.

Guaranteed Early Success: Approaching Trial Like the British Conducted Operation Market Garden, by Antonin “The Trial Warrior” Pribetic.

How to Write 15 Blog Posts a Day In Less Than 15 Minutes, by Scott Greenfield.

Everything in This Country is Fair and Makes Me Happy, by Gideon.

Depositions with a Doo: Hair Care for Lawyers, by Rick Horowitz and Norm Pattis.

Hidden Behind The Podium: Memoirs of a Short Lawyer, by Mirriam Seddiq.

How To Smuggle A Condemned Man Out of Prison In Your Mustache, by Jeff Gamso.

On twitter,  Jason Wilson added some of his own :

“In Defense of Comic Sans,” by @typogforlawyers

“How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Publishers” by Joe Hodnicki.

“Getting Back to the Billable Hour” by @gnawledge

“How to Achieve the Ultimate Work + Life Balance” by @scottgreenfield

And  Greg Lambert sent one back at Jason:

“The Subtle Art of Blog Post Titles” by @jasnwilsn

Not to cast too wide a net, but does that cover all the books that need to be writ?

As for Eric, please note that, due to copyright litigation, his practice will henceforth  no longer be referred to as “Small Law,” but “Fun Sized.” This is not subject to discussion.

5 thoughts on “Books Pointing in the Wrong Direction

  1. Jdog

    “I Drink Good Wine; You’re an Idiot” by Brian Tannebaum. Yesterday, I would have said that I’ve read it in galleys, and it’s terrific.

  2. Jdog

    So, no shit, there I was at a party over at DDB’s, and since it was summer, I was wearinng a t-shirt and running shorts (don’t visualize; it’ll burn your retinas), and carrying in ThunderWear (link omitted, but feel free to go find it; I’m not an owner, just a satisfied customer), when Lydy plopped down on my lap.

    She gave me a look.

    “I am happy to see you,” I said, “but …”

    “But you do have a gun in your pocket.” She had the courtesy to sound disappointed.

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