Jenny Miranda Keeps Trying (Update From Jenny)

I deleted the first email received from PR Executive Consultant Jenny Miranda. But the next week, another came. I replied to this one that she should stop sending me emails. But the next week, another came. I replied more strongly this time, suggesting that her efforts on behalf of her client were going to backfire if she didn’t stop.

Jenny wrote me back this time, telling me that my email “wasn’t very nice.”

I will remove you from my list. However, your comments weren’t very nice. If you don’t want emails from PR reps, please contact Gorkana to get yourself removed from their database.

Despite your insult, I hope you have a lovely day and find happiness.

It’s always a curiosity when someone I don’t know tells me it’s my responsibility to get myself removed from a database I never signed up for in the first place, but that’s PR, shameless, intrusive and presumptuous.  As I learned a while back, publicists believe they are doing us a favor, and we owe them a duty of kindness for their unsolicited attention.

The next week, in came another email from Jenny, offering me a “byline article and interview” with her lawyer client, this time on the “History of Cybercrime to Our Days” by “Attoreny Bruce Provda.”  So spelling and word usage isn’t a big thing for Jenny. Maybe her people don’t have a tradition of proofreading. I dunno. I ignored it.

The next week, another “Byline and interview opp,” this time with “leading Attorney Arkady Bukh. Ironically, I have a passing familiarity with Bukh, and use a screen cap of his website (since changed) in my CLE Social Media Ethics presentations.  Unfavorably.

Since then, I’ve received a steady stream of emails from Jenny, each offering me the opportunity to interview Bukh.  Apparently, her other lawyer clients have forsaken her services, and so her efforts are exclusively directed at pitching her last lawyer over and over.  Her latest email was interesting, in that it included this paragraph:

American psychologist, Abraham Maslow said in 1966, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, then you see all problems as nails.”

The hammer/nail mentality has cost police jurisdictions across the country significant amounts of money, money which could be used to replace infrastructure, fund social programs or house the homeless has instead gone to address police brutality. Attorney Arkady Bukh discusses this topic in more detail in the article below.

Are you interested in featuring the article below or interviewing attorney Arkady Bukh on the subject?

Her misquote of Maslow notwithstanding, she touched a nerve with me.  Her clients are incapable of achieving anything on the basis of their own merit, and so they use Jenny.  When all you have is a PR Executive Consultant, then all you can do is send out blind pitches.

On the other side, when all you have is a blawg, then everything looks like a source for a post that makes a point.  The point here isn’t that Jenny is doing something wrong, even if she failed to remove me from her list of people to pitch with her garbage “articles” for her shameless, pathetic, loser clients.  She’s a publicist, and her job is to do anything she can to get them some PR.  And in a peculiar way, she has, as I mention them here.

The point is that paying a PR Executive Consultant isn’t going to serve as substitute for being someone worthy of either interest, credit or merit.  If anything, it’s an announcement to the world that someone wants desperately to be something they’re not: interesting.  There is no proof more conclusive of a lawyer’s desperation than his efforts to create interest in him through a publicist.

Now, even though my “not very nice” email failed to get Jenny to take me off her list, and I have no interest in “requesting” (don’t you just love the word “request,” as if they’re doing you a favor by acquiescing?) any database I didn’t join to do anything, perhaps this will send the message.

No, Jenny. I have no interest in a byline article or an interview with any lawyer who pays you to compensate for his inadequacies.  Thanks for asking and I hope you have a lovely day and find happiness.

Update:  Jenny still doesn’t think I’m nice.

Most people just call and kindly ask them to be removed. You obviously have a lot of time on your hands to write an in-depth piece on me, but I digress.

Why can’t I just kindly ask to be removed? But I digress.

32 thoughts on “Jenny Miranda Keeps Trying (Update From Jenny)

  1. SHG Post author

    Email just in from Jenny. Since she didn’t have the courtesy of sharing her feelings with you, I do so on her behalf.

    Hi Scott,

    You got my attention. Thanks for the unprofessional blog about how terrible my client is and how bad of a PR rep I am. Both untrue and no I didn’t lose any of my clients. You hyperlinked my company website? I hope you feel better about yourself. I checked back in my emails and the only email I have in my sent box is this one, which I replied I would stop emailing you. I don’t have any other pitches in my sent mail going to your email address. If you asked to be removed any additional times, I am sorry. I simply didn’t see it.

    I informed you that you are in the Gorkana database as someone who receives pitches. I will call them myself and show them the blog you wrote and explain to them this is what can happen if you are not removed. I’d hate for another publicist to go through this. Most people just call and kindly ask them to be removed. You obviously have a lot of time on your hands to write an in-depth piece on me, but I digress.

    As someone who is both a member of the media and a PR consultant, I understand what it’s like to receive over 30 pitches a day from PR reps like myself. Sometimes it’s a good fit for my blog and sometimes it’s not. However, I don’t take time out to insult them if they pitch me a topic or client I don’t like, or forget to remove me from their list. People make mistakes and I understand it’s part of the game.

    I don’t plan on reaching out to you again. I’ll handle everything through Gorkana directly. Again, despite you attempting to ruin my reputation and get me upset, I still wish you happiness. It’s obvious you need it.

    Jenny Miranda

    1. Brian Tannebaum

      Why do these morons think the “you must have a lot of time on your hands” response is anything more than evidence of a lack of something substantive to say in response?

      “I know I’m a total fuck up but you have time to call me out on it so….”


    2. Patrick Maupin

      You got my attention.

      That’s awesome. Let’s see if you can do the right thing now that your attention is focussed.

      Thanks for the unprofessional blog…

      I guess not.

      I simply didn’t see it.

      Maybe it wasn’t you. You guys all look alike to the rest of us, you know.

      I informed you that you are in the Gorkana database as someone who receives pitches.

      You told him that he’s the product and that you paid good money for him? Red bull; flag.

      As someone who is both a member of the media and a PR consultant, I understand what it’s like to receive over 30 pitches a day from PR reps like myself.

      If you send shit like that, you can’t possibly understand the hatred it can engender in others. Either that or you’re a psychopath, and don’t care.

      People make mistakes and I understand it’s part of the game.

      Ah, psychopath. Well stop pretending that you have feelings and that you care about the insult, and go on to your next mark. Some of us don’t view rude interruptions as a game, and to the extent that Scott manages to impinge on the ability of you to make money at your game, I, for one, am ecstatic.

  2. DHMCarver

    Is Jenny in high school? For her responses to you certainly sound like they were written by a 15 year old.

        1. Matthew Chan

          I know plenty of women who are both successful and intelligent entrepreneurs and businesswomen. I can’t think of anyone I know that would use the selection of photos she has chosen for herself. Let’s just say they don’t portray her in a very credible light or with very much gravitas. It appears this PR consultant seriously needs to consult a mature, more established PR consultant (gender of her choice) who can delicately provide her the appropriate feedback for such photo choices for her business. Amazing.

          1. SHG Post author

            I have to assume she portrays herself in the manner she thinks is best, or else she would portray herself differently.

  3. mmmwright

    Jenny clearly doesn’t have any idea she’s playing in the big leagues now. I kind of hope she spams Ken at Popehat, too, so he can send her some emails about ponies.

      1. Patrick Maupin

        Hey, Ken! Scott’s implying that you secretly keep a herd of ponies! Are you going to take that lying down??!?

  4. Troutwaxer

    Hey Jenny, maybe you can remove EVERYONE from the Gorkana database, then all the cool kids will like you again!

  5. Pingback: Jenny Miranda Update: A Failed Plan | Simple Justice

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