Short Take: Is Gideon Sexist?

Maybe the problem is that women don’t commit as many crimes as men, or are treated far more leniently than men in the system, but if a women is prosecuted for a crime, and lacks the ability to afford an attorney to represent her, Gideon has her covered as it does anyone in the criminal legal system. Fair? Not fair enough, as argued by Jessica Steinberg and Kathryn A. Sabbeth in their law review article, The Gender of Gideon.

This Article makes a simple claim that has been overlooked for decades and yet has enormous theoretical and practical significance: the constitutional guarantee of counsel adopted by the Supreme Court in Gideon v. Wainwright accrues largely to the benefit of men.

In this Article, we present original data analysis, which demonstrates that millions of women face compulsory and highly punitive encounters with the justice system but do so largely in the civil courts, where no right to counsel attaches. The demographic picture that emerges is one in which the right to counsel skews heavily against women’s interests. As this Article shows, the gendered allocation of the right to counsel has individual and systemic consequences that play an underappreciated role in perpetuating gender inequality.

But, you ask, doesn’t the right to counsel under Gideon attach to everyone, anyone, who is prosecuted for crime? Are public defenders spread so thin that they only defend male defendants and leave women to fend for themselves? Hardly. The focus here shifts entirely away from criminal prosecution in order to “center” on women.

We revisit well-known doctrine, and, in contrast to all prior literature, we place gender at the center of the Court’s jurisprudence on the right to counsel. Liberty principles have been paramount in the Court’s opinions, but the liberty interests of women have been devalued. In Lassiter v. Department of Social Services, the Court refused to recognize the termination of a Black mother’s relationship with her child as deserving the right to counsel. Prior scholars have shown that the Gideon Court aimed to protect Black men from abuses of state power, but protecting Black women from such abuse is nowhere in the Court’s jurisprudence.

Normally, the argument for civil Gideon is based on the need of litigants for counsel in matters where they tend to do very poorly, unfairly so, such as landlord/tenant court. In those arguments, the distinction is that it can have a devastating, punitive, impact on litigants who tend to be poor (which is why they’re there for non-payment of rent in the first place), uneducated and incapable of mounting an adequate defense. This time, however, the shift is away from tenants and placed instead only on female tenants.

Since Lassiter, the Court has refused to recognize a constitutional guarantee of representation for civil defendants with fundamental interests at stake, and the largest categories of these cases—family law, eviction, and debt collection—all disproportionately affect Black women. As we show, the gendered deprivation of a right to counsel relegates women to a secondary legal status and impinges on the functioning of American democracy. Drawing on the example of housing deprivation, a highly visible collateral effect of the pandemic, we illustrate how lawyerless defendants are now the norm in the civil justice system, with women most severely impacted by this crisis. First, their individual rights are routinely trampled. Powerful governmental and private adversaries of these women have captured the civil courts, with the result that judges regularly fail to enforce even well-established law. Second, without lawyers, appeals are scarce, and the law fails to evolve in areas of particular importance to women’s lives. Third, women’s ability to act in the world, protected by the rule of law, has been disproportionately compromised, resulting in women’s entrenched subordination. Finally, without lawyers to serve as watchdogs in the civil courts, constitutional doctrine has rendered women’s most important legal problems invisible. This has undermined opportunities to identify the system’s shortcomings and agitate for reform.

It’s not that Gideon doesn’t include the limiting factor of criminal prosecutions. It’s not that Gideon doesn’t include, without distinction, defendants of any sex or gender within its protections. So what is it? Law is hard, women affected most “resulting in women’s entrenched subordination.” And this is poor Clarence Earl Gideon’s fault?

18 thoughts on “Short Take: Is Gideon Sexist?

  1. Undisclosed

    Take a legit topic, the lack of counsel for low-income people in critical civil proceedings, add gender and race, and boom, you’re published.

  2. Jeff

    It’s a bold move of theirs to slip family law into a discussion on women doing poorly in civil law.

  3. Hunting Guy

    What’s the next step?

    Demanding that only women lawyers represent women because otherwise it’s sexist?

    1. Corey

      Those demands are already being made for minorities, so safe to say we all know the answer to that already.

  4. David Meyer-Lindenberg

    Look on the bright side: At least they’re only asking for civil Gideon for defendants (on the theory that this will disproportionately benefit women, even though they only cite to research looking at gender ratios in a few subsets of civil law). Germany has civil Gideon even for plaintiffs, in the form of full coverage for the lawyer of your choice plus other litigation costs, and the cherry on top is a 2011 high-court ruling that says you don’t have to pay the government back out of damages you were awarded. It’s a massive handout to the civil bar, of course.

    Hmm. In line with the approach of Professors Sabbeth and Steinberg, do you think there’d be room for a follow-up article arguing that because lawyers in [insert subset of civil law here] are disproportionately female, it’s high time America implement the German model? Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. Jay

    Of course, the authors don’t say Gideon is sexist. But anything requiring you to look at the world through a different perspective is crap, right Greenfield? So what if we live in a world where problems that heavily effect men are fixed more often than women? Any woman that dares complain is an illogical hysterical nutball.

    1. SHG Post author

      Men are so privileged by being arrested and prosecuted more than women is a bit of flex, even for you, Jay.

    2. David Meyer-Lindenberg

      The authors do say Gideon is sexist, Jay. Did you read the paper? They claim that

      1) the post-Gideon criminal-justice system still sucks, even though
      2) Gideon has helped indigent criminal defendants in a number of ways, but that
      3) that help by and large hasn’t accrued to women, the result of which is
      4) a “two-track justice system” (both bad, but one bereft of Gideon’s protections), in need of
      5) civil Gideon for defendants, which will disproportionately benefit women, thus (presumably) evening things out.

      You’re under no compulsion to agree or disagree with their arg, but I don’t think you can reasonably deny that they say Gideon is sexist.

  6. Pedantic Grammar Police

    Gideon is sexist, but all of this talk about civil courts is a red herring. The real reason for the unfair lack of criminal representation for women is the fact that women are unfairly ignored by the criminal justice system. The solution is obvious. The criminal justice system must be made more inclusive by outlawing (preferably as felonies) more of the things that women do. The fact that many typically female behaviors do not seem as harmful to society as rape, assault and murder is irrelevant. Fairness demands that equal numbers of men and women are given the opportunity to have free lawyers after being charged with crimes.

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