Dancing In The Streets

There is something called the “Ellen Dare Dance,” which sounds kinda fun and free.  Except in New York City, where police officers who aren’t Ellen DeGeneres fans see it as, well, a threat or an insult.  Clearly, something not to be tolerated as cops are busy showing respect and tolerance for the residents they risk their lives to serve.

Dancing.  We can’t have that.  When will New Yorkers appreciate how hard the police work to protect them?  On the bright side, they only threw the dancer, Alexander Bok, to the ground.  He lived. No big deal, right?

8 thoughts on “Dancing In The Streets

  1. Bobbi

    The NYPD and other officers disrespected the wife and family at the funeral. The wife asked the mayor to be there and the NYPD should not have used the funeral to stage a protest. In spite of that, the mayor gave a nice speech and was focused on the officer and overall tragedy. the protesters focused om themselves.

    1. SHG Post author

      That’s a very thoughtful comment, but I struggle to understand what it has to do with dancing in the street. Perhaps you meant it for a different post where it might be on topic?

  2. John S.

    It’s heartening to see that even if the vast majority of the NYPD are sitting around with – to use the vernacular – their thumbs up their asses, there are still some of New York’s Finest whose work ethic compels them to go out and brutalize the public, slowdown be damned.

  3. Lyon

    I just found this blog from a link on Radley Balko’s column on the Washington Post website.

    I’m so happy I did. I just read 70 comments from a post about the NYPD officers turning their backs on DeBlasio.

    Wow. That was refreshing.

    I’ve been on the anti-police mistreatment of citizens page for about 2 years now, acting as almost lone wolf on about every news website and article you can imagine. I’ve taken more abuse than I ever imagined for my views.

    I used to think of myself as a conservative/libertarian but found out (I guess they threw me out) I actually I am a Libertarian.

    This is now bookmarked and I’m going to share this blog with some of my few compatriots, especially at Live Leak. I promise no cop union drone spam bots will find out about this site if I can help it.

    This place is an education machine.


    Lyon J.

    1. SHG Post author

      Glad you like the place, but this is a law blog, with most readers lawyers and judges, not a political blog. It’s neither anti-police nor libertarian, and comments like yours (off-topic, non-substantive) have no place here. You get a pass on your first one, but don’t let it happen again.

  4. DHMCarver

    So in NYC, you can now add dancing while black to driving while black and walking while black as reasons for police intervention. Nice.

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