Thanksgiving, 2023

While there is much happening in the world that causes so many to feel that there is nothing to be thankful for, I refuse to let misery be my guide. Every day brings a new opportunity for things to be better. I am grateful for so many things, especially you, dear readers, for spending your precious time here.

We can choose to wallow in the problems of the world or to work for a better world. What that better world will be may differ for each of us, but if we lose hope that it can and will be better, then we’ve given up. I will not give up.

Happy Thanksgiving. May we enjoy the day with our friends and loved ones and hope it will be joyous for everyone.

17 thoughts on “Thanksgiving, 2023

  1. LocoYokel

    Many things to be thankful for in my household, despite the state of the world at large. I’m hoping you can see the things in your lives as well.

    Happy Thanksgiving all.

  2. Keith

    Please send our love to the family and especially, Dr. SJ.
    May the kids stay a little longer and may the guests not help cleaning up.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Scott.

  3. CLS

    I am reliably informed for today’s NFL games the coin used for the coin tosses will have John Madden’s mug for the heads side. The tails side will be a six legged turducken.

    I wish I was making this up.

    Whether you’re celebrating in Knoxville, Mud Lick or some other exotic locale, Happy Thanksgiving from the resident dumb joke guy!

  4. Scott J Spencer

    Thank you for continuing to put out content that makes us think. I have been visiting here for a long time and I learn something new almost every day.

    Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  5. L. Phillips

    So much to be thankful for. There will be a dozen reasons – wife, kids and grandkids – around the table later today trying to destroy a prime rib. Since the weather is good those who can stay awake and stand up after dinner will repair to the back forty and attempt to outshoot the old man. Someday one of them will, but today is not that day.

    Whatever your celebration looks like, peace and safety to you and yours.

  6. Redditlaw

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, especially to the haters and the losers, who come to this blawg and attempt to defend Hamas.

  7. C. Dove

    Happy thanksgiving to you and yours, SHG. Thank you for hosting this site, for giving us your insightful comments, and entertaining the endless torrent of irreverent comments. L’chaim. May your turkey never be dry.

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